
User sublime merge for differential
User sublime merge for differential

user sublime merge for differential

That is to rule out any interpretation error of that key by Sublime Merge.

user sublime merge for differential

Try and regenerate a private key (and register it on GitLab), but this time with: ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -P "" -f mynewkey See " Jenkins: what is the correct format for private key in Credentials" The private key has been generated with Git 2.19.2, meaning an openssh 7.8+, which has just changed its private key default format, from PEM (64 characters per lines) to "OPENSSH" (70 characters per lines). +++ -0,0 +1,346 +.=ignore +.=.NonNull +.=.NonNullByDefault +.=.Nullable +.=disabled +.=1.6 +.pliance=1.6 +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=disabled +.=disabled +.=warning +.=ignore +.圜losedAutoCloseable=ignore +.=ignore +.=disabled +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=disabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=disabled +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=enabled +.=warning +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=error +.=warning +.=error +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=disabled +.=warning +.=disabled +.=enabled +.=ignore +.=warning +.=enabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=enabled +.=enabled +.=disabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=enabled +.=disabled +.=disabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.compiler.source=1.6 +.formatter.align_type_members_on_columns=false +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_allocation_expression=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_enum_constant=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_explicit_constructor_call=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_method_invocation=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_qualified_allocation_expression=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_assignment=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_binary_expression=16 +.formatter.Git in the terminal works fine but Sublime Merge I am getting permissions errors.

user sublime merge for differential

+++ -0,0 +1,6 +encoding//src/main/java=UTF-8 +encoding//src/main/resources=UTF-8 +encoding//src/test/java=UTF-8 +encoding//src/test/resources=UTF-8 +encoding/=UTF-8 diff -git a/.settings/.prefs b/.settings/.prefs +++ -9,3 +9,7 "plugins/commit-message-length-validator"] path = plugins/commit-message-length-validator url = + + + path = plugins/helloworld + url = diff -git a/.pydevproject b/.pydevproject +++ -1,9 +1,16 /.project -/.settings -/.settings/.prefs /.settings/.prefs +/.settings/.prefs /test_site /.idea /gerrit-parent.iml *.sublime-* +/gerrit-package-plugins +/.buckconfig.local +/.buckd +/buck-cache +/buck-out +/local.properties +*.pyc +/gwt-unitCache diff -git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules +++ -0,0 +1 diff -git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore

#User sublime merge for differential download#

+++ -0,0 +1,16 + api = //:api + api_deploy = //:api_deploy + api_install = //:api_install + download = //:download + download_sources = //:download_sources + gerrit = //:gerrit + eclipse = //tools/eclipse:eclipse + eclipse_project = //tools/eclipse:eclipse_project + release = //:release + + + includes = //tools/DEFS + + + src_roots = java, resources diff -git a/.buckversion b/.buckversion Remove "Remove resizing search box" fix from 2.7 release notes

User sublime merge for differential