That is to rule out any interpretation error of that key by Sublime Merge.

Try and regenerate a private key (and register it on GitLab), but this time with: ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -P "" -f mynewkey See " Jenkins: what is the correct format for private key in Credentials" The private key has been generated with Git 2.19.2, meaning an openssh 7.8+, which has just changed its private key default format, from PEM (64 characters per lines) to "OPENSSH" (70 characters per lines). +++ -0,0 +1,346 +.=ignore +.=.NonNull +.=.NonNullByDefault +.=.Nullable +.=disabled +.=1.6 +.pliance=1.6 +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=disabled +.=disabled +.=warning +.=ignore +.圜losedAutoCloseable=ignore +.=ignore +.=disabled +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=disabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=disabled +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=enabled +.=warning +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=error +.=warning +.=error +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=disabled +.=warning +.=disabled +.=enabled +.=ignore +.=warning +.=enabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=enabled +.=enabled +.=disabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.=ignore +.=ignore +.=enabled +.=disabled +.=disabled +.=warning +.=warning +.=warning +.compiler.source=1.6 +.formatter.align_type_members_on_columns=false +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_allocation_expression=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_enum_constant=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_explicit_constructor_call=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_method_invocation=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_arguments_in_qualified_allocation_expression=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_assignment=16 +.formatter.alignment_for_binary_expression=16 +.formatter.Git in the terminal works fine but Sublime Merge I am getting permissions errors.

+++ -0,0 +1,6 +encoding//src/main/java=UTF-8 +encoding//src/main/resources=UTF-8 +encoding//src/test/java=UTF-8 +encoding//src/test/resources=UTF-8 +encoding/=UTF-8 diff -git a/.settings/.prefs b/.settings/.prefs +++ -9,3 +9,7 "plugins/commit-message-length-validator"] path = plugins/commit-message-length-validator url = + + + path = plugins/helloworld + url = diff -git a/.pydevproject b/.pydevproject +++ -1,9 +1,16 /.project -/.settings -/.settings/.prefs /.settings/.prefs +/.settings/.prefs /test_site /.idea /gerrit-parent.iml *.sublime-* +/gerrit-package-plugins +/.buckconfig.local +/.buckd +/buck-cache +/buck-out +/local.properties +*.pyc +/gwt-unitCache diff -git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules +++ -0,0 +1 diff -git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
#User sublime merge for differential download#
+++ -0,0 +1,16 + api = //:api + api_deploy = //:api_deploy + api_install = //:api_install + download = //:download + download_sources = //:download_sources + gerrit = //:gerrit + eclipse = //tools/eclipse:eclipse + eclipse_project = //tools/eclipse:eclipse_project + release = //:release + + + includes = //tools/DEFS + + + src_roots = java, resources diff -git a/.buckversion b/.buckversion Remove "Remove resizing search box" fix from 2.7 release notes